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Research projects


At Queen Mary University of London


Applying Bayesian Networks to quantifying risk: Understanding Risk Tolerance for Product Safety and Standards (Oct  2021 - April 2023) £9,999 grant provided by UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Office for Product Satefy Standards (OPSS). Prof Fenton is the PI.


Bayesian network model for product safety assessment (Oct  2020 - Sept 2021)

£9,999 grant provided by UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Office for Product Satefy Standards (OPSS). Prof Fenton is the PI. Grant reference ECSH1K8R

AI driven biologics optimiser for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients: (Sept 2020-Feb 2021)

£50,000 grant from UEZ PPF for collaboration between QMUL (Norman Fenton) and Living With Ltd. Prof Fenton is the PI.

Defusing the ‘carbon bomb’: A smart-data approach to assessing and managing risk of abrupt greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands  (Jan 2020 - Oct 2020)

£50,000 Turing Institute funded "AI for climate action' project to use an AI-based ‘smart data’ approach (with Bayesian causal models) to better understand interactions between environmental, climatic, social and economic processes that drive policy and management of peatlands and their GHG emissions. Fenton is co-PI (the project is led by Prof Lisa Belyea, School of Geography). Details here.

KNIFE: Knowledge Discovery from Health Use Data (March 2019-Sept 2021)

Turing Institute funded project to lay the foundations for a transformative approach to patient-linked health data, making it accessible for both medical and data science researchers to fully exploit. We will achieve this by working with two groups who are custodians of data of this type in East London. Fenton is co-PI (the project is led by Dr William Marsh). Full details here.

PAMBAYESIAN: Patient Managed decision‐support using Bayes Networks (June 2017-June 2021)

£1,538,497 EPSRC funded project EP/P009964/1 to develop a new generation of intelligent medical decision support systems.  The project is a collaboration between researchers from both the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and clinical academics from the Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry (SMD). The project is also supported by digital health firms that have extensive experience developing patient engagement tools for clinical development.  Prof Fenton is the PI.  Details here.

CAUSAL-DYNAMICS (Improved Understanding of Causal Models in Dynamic Decision-making) (Jan 2017- Jan 2020) Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant Grant RPG-2016-118 of £385,510.   This was a collaborative project, led by Professor  Fenton of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, with co-investigators Dr  Osman (School of Biological and Chemical Sciences), Prof  Neil (School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science) and Prof  Lagnado (Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London). Details here.

Probability and Statistics in Forensic Science (July-Dec 2016) EPSRC grant no EP/K032208/1 : 6-month Programme at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge. Prof Fenton was organiser. Details here.

BAYES KNOWLEDGE: Effective Bayesian Modelling with Knowledge Before Data  (April  2014 - March 2018)

1,572,562 euros European Research Council Advanced Grant (ERC-2013-AdG339182-BAYES_KNOWLEDGE) awarded to Professor Norman Fenton.  Details here.


Beating the bookies at Football Prediction (June-August 2012)

£4,798 KTA Scheme project for secondment of Anthony Constantinou to Agena Ltd.  Role in Project: Prof Fenton was the PI.


Bayes and the Law  (Sept 2012 - Feb 2013)

£26,338 KT Project ECSA1F8R. Prof Fenton was the PI.
Improving Legal reasoning with Bayes (2011-2015)

£69,500  QM Interdisciplinary Studentship ECSA1G1R. Prof Fenton was the PI.


Decision Support for the Management of Traumatically Injured Limbs (May 2010- April 2012)


Funded by EPSRC ImpactQM Programme (£143,102), The Barts and the London Hospital Trust (£30,000) and Agena Ltd (£32,500).
Prof Fenton was the PI.


DIADEM: Data Information and Analysis for clinical DEcision Making  (April 2008-March 2009)

£196,425 EPSRC funded Digital Economy Research Cluster EP/G001987/   Prof Fenton was the PI.

DyFUSION: Towards a Novel Universal tool for Modelling and Reasoning under Uncertainty  (Jan 2007 – Jan 2010)

£478,352 EPSRC project EP/E033954/1 with Agena, QinetiQ and Motorola.  Prof Fenton was c0-PI.

eXdecide: Quantified Risk Assessment and Decision Support for Agile Software Projects (March  2005 - Feb 2008)

£181,353 EPSRC project EP/C005406/1  Prof Fenton was the PI.

Bayesian networks for software project risk

£21,000 Agena CASE award.  Prof Fenton was the PI.

SCORE: Sensing Changes in Operational Risk Exposure (May 2001 - May 2004)

£421,093 EPSRC Project GR/R24197/01 (Critical Systems Programme) with Liverpool University, NATS, ERA, CAA, Agena. Prof Fenton was c0-PI.

SCULLY: Scaling up Bayesian Nets for Software Risk Assessment (1 July 2000  - 30 June 2003)

£203,501 EPSRC Project  GR/N00258  with Philips, Hugin A/S (Denmark). Prof Fenton was the PI.

SIMP: Systems Integration for Major Projects (1 July 2000 - 30 June 20003)

£194,873  EPSRC Systems Integration Initiative Programme, Project GR/N39234 with  BAe, UMIST, City University (CHCID). Prof Fenton was the PI.


Projects with Agena

MODIST: Models of Uncertainty and Risk for Distributed Software Development

Sept 2001 - Feb 2004, EC Framework 5 Project IST-2000-28749
Partners: Agena, QinetiQ, Israel Aircraft Industries, Philips Digital Systems Laboratory, Philips Semiconductors (Eindhoven)



Projects at CSR City University (1989-2000)

IMPRESS: (IMproving the software PRocESS using bayesian nets)

1 Jan 1997 - 30 June 2000, EPSRC Project GR/L06683
Partners: Hugin A/S (Denmark)
Funding to CSR: £221,000
Role in Project: Principal investigator



TRACS (Transport Reliability Assessment Calculation System)

Aug 1997 - March 1999, funded by Defence Evaluation Research Agency (Chertsey), Project LSF/E20262
Partners: DERA
Funding to CSR: £125,000
Role in Project: Principal investigator



SERENE (SafEty and Risk Evaluation using bayesian Nets)

1 June 1996 - 1 June 1999, ESPRIT Framework IV Collaborative Project 22187
Partners: ERA Technology, HUGIN Expert A/S (Denmark), TüV Nord (Germany) Electricité de France, Objectif Technologie (France)
Funding to CSR: 265,000 ECU
Role in Project: Principal investigator

Here is the SERENE method tutorial (please note that much of this has been superceded by the AgenaRisk tool; and this updated tutorial on Bayesian nets and probability).


PETERS(Pre-Exploitative Tools for Evaluating Reliability of Software)

1 August 1997 - 31 January 2000. EPSRC Project GR/L57296.
Partner: Item Software (UK).
Funding to CSR, City University: £175,940
Role in Project: Co-investigator



DISPO(DIverse Software PrOject)

March 1997 - February 2000 Funded by Scottish Nuclear, Contract No: PP/9405/MB
Partner: Bristol University
Funding to CSR: £240,000
Role in Project: Co-investigator



DISCS (Diversity In Safety Critical Software)

Oct 1996 - Sept 1999, EPSRC Project


Partners: Newcastle University


Funding to CSR: £148,914


Role in Project: Co-investigator




DATUM (Dependability Assessment of Safety Critical Systems Through the Unification of Measurable Evidence)


Jan 1993 - July 1996, UK Safety Critical Systems Research Programme EPSRC GR/H89944 and DTI IED4/19314


Partners: Lloyd's Register of Shipping and Royal Holloway College, CHCID (City University).


Funding to CSR: £196,000 (total value £477,000)


Role in Project: Principal investigator




DeVa (Design for Validation)


Jan. 1996 - Jan. 1999, ESPRIT Long Term Research programme


Partners: Defence Research Agency (Malvern, UK), LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, France), LGL- DI-EPFL (Lausanne), University of Newcastle upon Tyne (U.K.), Universität Ulm (Germany), University of York (U.K.)


Funding to CSR: 277,000 ECU


Role in Project: Co-investigator




Specification of BBN tool for improved vehicle reliability prediction


Oct 1996- March 1997, funded by Defence Research Agency (Chertsey), Grant Number: LSF/E20173


Partners: DERA


Funding to CSR: £48,000


Role in Project: Principal investigator




SMARTIE (Standards and Methods Assessed using Rigorous Techniques in Industrial Environments).


Nov 1990- April 1995., Systems Engineering Programme supported by the EPSRC and DTI, Grant Number: GR/F98550 (Project number IED4/1/2160)


Partners: British Rail, Brameur Ltd, Secure Information Systems Ltd


Funding to CSR: £190,000 (from EPSRC) Nov 1990- March 1994


Role in Project: Principal investigator




SMARTIE formal methods case study


April 1994-April 1995, funded by DTI


Partners: Praxis, Programming Research Ltd


Funding to CSR: £16,000


Role in Project: Principal Investigator




Evaluation of Software Development


Oct 1994- Sept 1995., funded by MOD


Funding to CSR: £48,200


Role in Project: Principal Investigator




Software Reliability and Metrics


Oct 1994- Oct 1995, EPSRC Funding for Individual modules at masters level programme, project 00838 ENG 94


Value to CSR: £10,000


Role in Project: Principal investigator




Software Reliability and Measurement Video


Oct. 1990 -- Sept. 1991, funded by DTI in collaboration with Aston University.


Value to CSR £62,000


Role in Project: Principal Investigator




SHIP (Safety of Hazardous Industrial Processes in the presence of design faults)


1993-1995, CEC ENVIRONMENT programme (DG XII).


Partners Adelard (UK), IEI-CNR (Pisa, Italy), VTT (Finland), Corelis Technology (France), ENEA (Rome, Italy).


Value to CSR: 178kECU (Total value of project, 600kECU)


Role in Project: Researcher




PDCS2 (Predictably Dependable Computer Systems)


Aug 1992- Oct 1995, CEC ESPRIT 2 under Basic Research Action Programme.


Partners University of Newcastle; University of York; Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Automatique des Systemes, Toulouse; IEI-CNR, Pisa; Technical University, Vienna; Chalmers University, Sweden


Funding to CSR: 378kECU (total project value 1.9mECU)


Role in Project: Co-investigator




PDCS (Predictably Dependable Computer Systems)


1990-1993, ESPRIT Basic Research Action projects.


Partners IEI del CNR (Italy), Universitat Karlsruhe (Germany), LAAS-CNRS (France), Newcastle University, Universite Paris-Sud (France),Technische Universitat Wien (Austria), York University.


Values to CSR: 250kECU


Role in Project: Researcher




Mathematical Foundations of Software Metrics


March 1989 - June 1991, funded by NATO


Partners: Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Colorado State University, South Bank University


Value to CSR £10,000


Role in Project: Principal Investigator




WORMS (Workshops On Reliability and Measurement of Software).


Oct 1992 Oct 1994, CEC Human Capital and Mobility Programme.


Funding to CSR: 47,000 ECU


Role in Project: Principal Investigator




Software Quality and Metrics


Feb. 1989 - March 1990, funded by British Telecom


Partners: British Telecom


Value to CSR £30,000


Role in Project: Principal Investigator





Projects at CSSE South Bank (1986-1989)




METKIT -- Metrics Educational Toolkit


Feb. 1989 - Jan 1992, ESPRIT 2


Partners: GMD (W. Germany), Verilog (France), Brameur, SEMA-CAP, British Telecom


Value to CSSE: 480,000 ECU


Role in Project: I was originally Principal Investigator. After I left CSSE I continued as advisor to CSSE.




Structure Based Software Metrics


June 1986 -- May 1988, SERC/DTI Alvey Project SE/69


Value £276,000


Partners: Central Electricity Research Laboratories, STC, Plessey, Goldsmiths' College


Role in Project: Principal Investigator


System Design Automation Facility


Oct. 1986 - June 1988, funded by British Telecom


Value to CSSE: £125,000


Partner: British Telecom


Role in Project: Principal Investigator




Specifications and reusability with Z


Sept. 1988 - May 1990, funded by IBM, Contract number 84750S


Value to CSSE: £80,000


Partners: IBM


Role in Project: Principal Investigator.

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